Wheel Chair

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The frame of a wheelchair can also be either rigid (fixed), or foldable. The energy efficiency for the user to propel is double in a wheelchair with a rigid frame, taking an average of 15-20% of the impulse, while a folding wheelchair only uses on average of 5 - 8% of the impulse.
Type 5 wheelchair models do not fold and feature swing-away footrests, quick release axles for easy servicing and transport, anti-tippers and adjustable-height arms that can be removed. These wheelchair types are highly customizable for individuals with very limited mobility.
Foldable wheel-chairs has four wheels, two small wheels at the front and two large wheels at the back. Basic Folable wheel-chairs are light-weight, easily transportable, comes in economy price range and are most bought.
A well cared for and well-maintained active chair can last from 5 to 10 years. There are chairs that due to the materials, can last more than 10 years, but typically, the functional life of a chair is 5 years.